Monday, February 11, 2008

Couples Holidays

I suppose Valentine's Day is the most extreme holiday for couples. New Year's Eve is right up there. I was never really sure what "Sweetest Day" was, except a Hallmark marketing ploy perhaps.
Are you sick of all the diamond commercials yet? Those really irritate me - making women seem shallow and surprised that a man finally stumbled into Jared to buy the same necklace that you'll see on ten women next week.

Pardon my cynicism...
So are you dreading this holiday and the cheerful strangers asking about your plans? I would like to issue a challenge or sorts to those of us who are un-coupled on the penultimate couples' holiday.

Plan to do something on Valentine's Day that will warm someone else's heart. Maybe it is your mom or grandfather, your neighbor or a coworker. Take them a box of chocolate, fruit basket, or flower. Buy your niece a set of new play-doh and sit down for a sculpting session. Send a round of drinks to a table of friends, or a couple celebrating the day. Just make it something unexpected and kind. Hopefully it won't involve shoveling snow.

The last Valentine's Day of my marriage my husband literally phoned it in. I don't even remember where he said he was at the time. Doesn't really matter now. Since then, I tried to make it a special day for my kids. I cooked dinner, although it was probably still Hamburger Helper, and served it on the fancy plates. I used a table cloth and candles. That was a surprise. It was fun. I hope they remember it.

I do buy myself some chocolate though. It's as good a reason as any for a Whitman's Sampler.

1 comment:

Mike said...


Your now ex husband phoning his Valentines greeting in while he was still your husband and a hamberger helper dinner for your kids on the fine china occurring after your split. How heart wrenching !!!!

Everyone deserves better treatment than this, and particularly you of all people.

Even though this holiday is probably way overrated ( its just another marketing ploy by Jared, Zales and Hallmark to achieve first quarter profits ) its still always a good gesture to do something special for your loved one(s) and for you to remember that your actions speak volumes louder than your words. For guys that could be doing the housekeeping. If you can detail your cars you can certaintly detail your home.

For me this is no big deal since I live alone, but once you are a couple you have to cater to your other's musts and wants and let them know how deeply appreciated
they truely are. In essence you will reap what you sow.

Chocolate rules too.