Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Left Hand Scan

Do you find yourself making furtive glances at left hands for rings? I don't think I ever did this when I was married. In many cases, the ring doesn't change the conversation. But if the conversation is looking promising, I catch myself trying to sneak a peak.
No ring doesn't mean they are not married. In many professions, rings are a safety hazard. But a ring usually means they are married and I'm moving on, again, depending on the context of the conversation.
What about you?


RedWinoGirl said...

I can relate completely. I have a favorite ring that I was wearing on the middle finger of my left hand...not a diamond or anything flashy. My friend told me that I was marking myself as "unavailable"! Jeez, who knew?? I thought I was styling! The dating, singles world is so confusing! I am 54, in shape, own my own home, fun to be around and my kids are grown....how more available could I possibly be?

AM Kingsfield said...

Great to have you join us,red.

I have never heard of this. Maybe that's why my luck has been so bad. I have a ring that I love that only fits my middle finger.

I'm still wearing it.