Tuesday, April 3, 2007

New Names

I decided to keep my married name because it seemed easier to have the same last name as my children. Also, I hate all the paperwork and phone calling to change everything. Have you been to the MVA lately? I'm getting close to the point where I will have had my "married" name as long as my maiden name. I don't know if I'll ever change back, although I don't really feel like it is my name. Maybe I'll take my blogger name.

I certainly wouldn't take anyone else's name again. I don't know if I'll encourage my daughters to change their names if they marry either. Of course, they are free to do as they wish. I suppose there is some optimism in taking your husband's name.

What do you think? Guys, if you considered marriage, would you want her to change her name? What about your daughters? Does is bug you that your Ex still has your last name?

1 comment:

just me said...

Times have changed. Back in the late '60s, my aunt, one of the first people I knew to get divorced, did not go back to her maiden name for the same reason you describe. But today, more people are accustomed to moms having different last names than their kids that it's far less of an issue. If your ex's last name makes you uncomfortable, I say go for it and change back. (Altho I can definitely sympathize with the red tape - I remember how hard it was to change my name in the first place!)