Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mystery Bar Stool Contest

Below is a barstool from a local watering hole. The first comment posted that correctly identifies the establishment from this photo will win a gift certificate to that restaurant.
Last month's winner, Mike, will be collecting his prize at the first Suburban Singles Scene Mixer next Friday. (see sidebar for details)

Aren't those purse hooks nice?


Unknown said...

Four Seasons Grille

AM Kingsfield said...

Ding Ding Ding
We have a winner!
That was quick.

Money Girl, you need to go to my profile and send me an e-mail so I know how to deliver your prize. You have won three free appetizers at the Four Seasons Grille, or any of its sister restaurants. They would be perfect at our secret free drink Happy Hour on September 28th!


MarkEC said...

Darn, I was going to guess that! Oh well, there is always next time. :-)