Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mystery Barstool Contest

Can you identify the establishment from this picture? If you are the first one to correctly identify the location of this barstool, you will win a gift certificate. I will happily present it to you at Friday's Super Suppers Mixer, or you can contact me through my e-mail address in my profile and I can mail it to you.


Mike said...

It has to be Allison's

Mike said...


I don't want folks to think I am monopolizing the game, but I regularly visit your blog and had responded the fastest.

If MoneyGirl did not ever claim her prize and I am correct, I can claim her prize and award this new prize to the person who most accurately forecasts the number of folks that show up for this Friday's event. Now how is that for real Diplomacy !!!

AM Kingsfield said...

Such a gentleman!
You win! Again! Fair is fair. Perhaps you can taunt some of our lurkers into posting. You win a dinner gift certificate this time too!
Did you see your picture in October's print magazine? (Very handsome, Ladies, and now armed with a free dinner!)

Mike said...


Thanks. I actually went to Allison's after it had first opened up. Myself and my girlfriend or date (at that time) went there to celebrate our birthday's at the end of May. I had recalled the truly unique ceiling and trac lights ( plus the complimentary desserts for each one of us - it was a very positive dining experience.

P.S. I don't know if MoneyGirl ever came out of the woodwork to collect her prize. Perhaps she simply did not wish to be in all of the limelight. Being a guy, I don't have as much of a problem with that. A little publicity does not hurt --too much, perhaps and it may make me become narcissistic -- we don't want that either. But I will be happy to follow through on my suggestion to award the new prize to the person who comes closest to guessing the correct # of attendees at Friday's event.