Monday, October 29, 2007

Ladybug! Ladybug...

Imagine you were one of those folks evacuated in the rampant California wildfires. If you had only minutes to evacuate, what would you grab?

Let's do this like Wheel of Fortune and give everyone the following items:
loved ones & pets
important papers from your files

What else?


Mike said...


First I'd grab a fire extinguisher, I would then put out all the fires so then I'd be able to keep everything, therefore; I would not have to worry about the order. I'd then grab a Bud, because all that fire fighting makes one very very thirsty.

just me said...

1) my mom's jewelry box. not because of the dollar value, but for the personal value.

2) hubby's laptop - it has most of our photos.

3) afghans - made by my mom - see #1 above.

Mike said...

Hey Just Me,

What's up with the hubby's laptop ? that implies you are married. I thought that this was a blog for singles ?

Are you possibly separated, or divorced ?

Is your daughter coming along to hear the Crayfish on Nov 3 ?

MarkEC said...

My laptop, my digital camera (that I had just used to take a few shots of my belongings in the house) and whatever valuables I could snatch up. Oh.. and this paddle ball game, and this ashtray...that's all I need. :-)

just me said...

hey mike -
I visit this blog because I like to see what's on AM's mind... and sometimes I can't resist commenting. Sorry to disappoint, but I am attached. And my daughter is a minor.

Mike said...

Hey Just Me,

Relax, I am not the comment police here, but I'd be careful about chatting on a singles blog if you are already attached. ( don't ruin a good thing )

I also figured your daughter had to be young if she called them the "Grayfish" on account of their ages ( if she is 19 or older and can access the bar at T. J Elliott's she probably does not think of herself as being a minor though ). No need to worry either way, as I do not date under 30 even though I am still very very young at heart.

Tell AM I said Hi ( she will tell you I'm a real hoot, but I am also very safe too )

AM Kingsfield said...

Love "the Jerk" reference, Mark EC.

Sorry to disappointcha Mike. Just Me is a cool friend and I told her almost exactly what you said yourself. She was single once, though.
You should still come hear the Crayfish. They are fun!

Oh, and I would grab a suitcase and shove in some clothes & jewelry & meds,
my laptop & PC (hopefully I would have been smart enough to back up onto CDs!)
the one study Bible I need,
I guess I'd have to leave my mother's piano behind.

Mike said...

Hey AM,

What ever happened to Money Girl ?
Is she joining us on Nov 3 ?

I had a great idea for her to do "The Money Dance" on top of the bar

Now hows that for some change ---- Sigh !!!!!!!!

AM Kingsfield said...

I'll put the pressure on her when I see her tomorrow.

Mike said...


Great job. Keep up the good work ( as usual ).

Mike said...

Alternative Answer:

I'd grab my gal, go to Malibu Beach and boogie in the sand

Unknown said...

I really kind of struggled with this idea. I guess I don't think that highly of most of my possessions when I sat down to think about it. I would probably grab the following though on instant reflex:

2)purse with my keys to the truck
3)leashes and food for the dogs

Unknown said...

Sorry Mike I won't be joining the festivities tomorrow night.....but I want to come the following week for the Hops and Vines event.

Doing a "Money Dance" is a little out of the question for at least the next few weeks. I sprained my ankle good enough to be in an air cast 24/7 so dancing is a no-no right now. Enjoy the evening though.

Mike said...

Hey Money Girl,

Sorry to hear about your sprained ankle. I too had passed on the Crayfish event on account at the very last minute I found out it was a costume party ( no way for me to recognize anyone ). See you at the Hops & Vines event. Practice up on that Money Dance
( when you finally rid yourself of that air cast ). See you then