Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Homework Duty

My oldest child is entering high school this year. She is starting to get into subject matter that I can't so easily help her with. Last year, I had to give myself a few minutes of review time with her textbook before I could help her.

I originally wanted their dad, the non-custodial parent, to help more with homework, but it just hasn't worked out for us. Although he does see them midweek most of the time, it is usually just for dinner or a taxi shift without enough time leftover for homework. There have been times when he has pulled up a chair, but basically, the homework gets done at my house. Sometimes when projects go to his house on the weekend, I either learn Sunday night that it is not finished or that a piece got left at his house, 45 minutes away. Because that is frustrating, I just stopped trying to push it much. If homework gets taken over there, it is because my child wants to work on it there.

I can't help but feel sometimes that he got off easy, but mostly I try to dwell on the positives, like that my children live with me primarily, or that they are pretty good about hitting the books without much nagging.

How do you divide the homework monitoring? There must be infinite ways of dividing the duties. Do you each focus on one child? one subject? certain projects? I'd love to give over the science fair!


MarkEC said...

Mine comes home to my house every day on the bus, so homework is done there. Only rarely does she do anything at her mom's. I try to keep track of it, but usually only effective on the weeks she is with me at night, when I have time after work. As for science and other projects, I usually help a bit, just hate when they are last minute and rushed. She is a very good procrastinator!

Laura said...

My children do most of their homework at my house also. On weekends when they are with their father, sometimes things get overlooked. So, I just mainly keep it here. He does help out alot with the projects. He is much better at building things than I am. So, I am better at making sure the everyday things get done, and he is better at projects. It works for us.

Unknown said...

EVERYTHING gets done at my house- H
homework, support, discipline, explainations.. It is almost like Mr. Dad doesn't exist. Guess I let him off easy and I figure he knows it. It's even hard to get him to come to things like Open House at school and similar things.

I really feel bad for the children and I can't believe he shows himself in such a bad light. I have just now begun to realize how hard it makes it on me.