Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mystery Barstool Contest

Here it is.
The first one to correctly identify the location of this barstool wins a gift certificate to the establishment.

I hope I can award the winner at tomorrow's wine tasting at Hops & Vines from 5-7 in Piney Orchard Plaza in Odenton.


Mike said...


I will say it is Kaufmann's Tavern.

Don't recall the stone fascia, but its been a while since I have been there.

Mike said...


My second guess If I am allowed is Fin's. I say this only because of the TV in the right corner, but I still don't recall the stone fascia.

Mike said...


I recall Kaufmann's Tavern having a fish tank behind the bar. Since there is no fish tank in the pic. it can't be Kaufmann's.

Still don't know where that stone fascia came from. Perry's of Odenton could be the only explanation for the stone fascia.

I concede if I don't get it on this try ( I'm stoned ---- HA !!!)

Mike said...


I have a photographic memory, I just ran out of film in my camera

Mike said...


I don't think it's Perry's either, so to be fair using just one guess I'll have to say FIN'S as my FINAL ANSWER ( that stone work is something definitely new !!).

Mike said...


There is a lounge next to (part of)the Crofton Bowling Lanes. That could explain those flat stones.
I'm really stuggling with this one.

AM Kingsfield said...

OK! OK! You Win!
It's Kaufmann's.
You win a gift certificate for 2 to Kaufmann's Sunday Jazz brunch.
Sounds lovely, eh?

Unknown said...

Good Grief! Geez apparently spend a lot of time in local watering holes. I haven't been to Kauffman's in years. In fact, I haven't been there since it changed ownership a few years back. They used to have some of the best cream of crab soup. Yum...just the thought brings back good time memories.

Mike said...

Hey Money Girl,

I have not been to Kaufmann's for at least three years. They must have removed their signature fish tank cause I don't see it in the photo here. Hey I'm glad I won thought. I should have just stayed with my first inclination --but thats so cliche' though.

When I first moved to Crofton I decided to check out all the restuarants and bars in the general area to get acquainted with my surroundings. Looks like that idea finally paid off. I just have to dust the cobwebbs off my brain ( 3 years is a long time ).

Mike said...


I have to restore my reputation after this one. I actually spend more time in church than I do in any watering hole I've ever been to. As you suggested, perhaps we could switch over next to the Mystery Church Pew Contest.

Unknown said...

It cracks me up b/c I hadn't even read this topic....I had to play catch up. I had to do the exercise in the last topic before reading this one.

But yes...visiting the local establishments was a good idea. I grew up in this county but just moved back recently after spending 5 years in Montgomery Co. It's good to be back though. I guess I'll have to re-familiarize myself with the local restaurants and bars in the area since it appears you're in need of some serious competition.

Unknown said...


I don't think I can play the mystery church pew game. I've attended the same church for the last 18 years.

Corry said...

I'm going to guess it is Carrabbas in Bowie.

MarkEC said...

I am studying all the barstools in the places I go.. but since i live in Ellicott City, it may be a while before one of those show up! I guess I need to hang out in Bowie/Crofton more! Well done Mike... although I thought your final final answer was Fins? Wherever that is! See you tomorrow!