Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Making Connections

I had a wonderful time covering a Crofton Chamber of Commerce mixer tonight for the magazine. I hadn't been to one of their mixers before. It was at Eric Krimmel's Crofton Fine Art & Frame gallery at Staples Corner (450&424).

It was my pleasure to meet a woman who has been reading the blog without posting comments. She said she felt like she already knew me from reading. We decided to meet for coffee soon to let me have the chance to get to know her and hear her stories.

I know many of you might feel you are too busy or too private to log on for comments, but I know you also have valuable insight to add to the conversation. We would all benefit from your shared experience. So remember that you can be very anonymous if you would like. Or, you could use the profile to reveal some intriguing bits of your personality.

Anyway, Eric is hosting a mixer for the Suburban Single Scene in September, on the 14th from 7-9pm. Supper Supers will be providing some delicious appetizers and The Cosmic Bean will be sponsoring a coffee tasting. It would be so nice to meet some more of my local readers and commenters.

The nice thing about the gallery as a location for the mixer is that all the interesting artwork on display creates an easy conversation opportunity when meeting new friends.

So mark it on your calendar. Watch for more information as it unfolds.


Mike said...


Nobody else seemed to want to respond to this "Making Connections" Forum. So I'd thought I'd step up to the plate and put in my 2 cents.

All of these are really great ideas that you have. Its just too bad we don't have an earlier summer activity yet.

If anyone would be willing to pay a modest guest fee of 8 $, I could extend to the host and visitors of this website the oppty to attend a combination CVPA Bull Roast and Pool Party the second Sat in July from 3 - 6 PM

Any Takers ?

AM Kingsfield said...

What is CVPA? Where is the Bull Roast?
Could be fun!

Mike said...

CVPA is Crofton Village Pool Assoc.

they have two pools: Welfleet and Nantucket.

The Bull Roast is going to be held at the Nantucket Pool ( at the very end of Nantucket Drive off of Reidel Road in N Crofton ) on Sat July 7, 2007 from 3-6 PM

and yes it will be fun, because I will be going there.

Mike said...


Are you waiting for a special written invitation ?

Mike said...

Not could be fun --- Will be fun.

Fun is my middle name.