Although I have on occasion traveled alone with my children, I find it is easier to team up with other adults. Sometimes I have taken another single mom & her child, or another whole family. This summer I accompanied my parents to their hometown, Los Angeles. My children had never met my uncles & cousins out there, not to mention had never scene the Pacific. When I am taking my three kids to a new, crowded place, I really feel the need for another adult.
I suppose if I had ever managed to maintain a relationship, I could take my beau, but so far, I have found parents and girlfriends to be less complicated. Given the chance to vacation a beau with my children or without, I usually choose without. Romance and parenting don't usually work out together very well. Those are different vacations.
My parents will still love us all at the grouchy end of a long tourist day.
Here I am flirting with a tall Californian on vacation at Universal Studios this summer.
So you like the tall, green and gruesome types? :-) Looks like a fun vacation... may have to get to California one day! I do well in grouchy tourist environments. ;-)
Naw you must be visiting Germany---- You have Frank and stein.
Never heard back from you about the CVPA Bull Roast July 7.
Ein Prosit
I am covering an event for the paper on that day. I also just learned of a funeral I need to attend, so, although the bull roast sounds delicious, I will probably not make it.
Remind me what CVPA stands for? What are the Bull Roast times & location? Anyone else interested?
CVPA is Crofton Village Pool and Recreation Assn. The event runs Sat July 7 from 3-6 PM.
On a different note
The Mon eve dinners at FCC will run this Mon eve and next Mon eve and after that the remainder of July and Aug is a break (we have off) and then we will resume our schedule after Labor Day. I think a dance recital had spoiled your intentions on coming the last time. You get two more chances until after Labor Day.
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