Monday, December 24, 2007

Warm Wishes

My Christmas wish for all of you is that you be touched by love today, this season, this year. Not necessarily romantic love, which is unreliable at best, but a deep, filling Love. It begins with loving yourself.

Everyone makes mistakes. Even so, no matter how many or how bad your mistakes might be, you are worthy of love. Life is so much better with love. Be gentle with yourself today. Celebrate moments of joy at hand.

Merry Christmas


Mike said...


I don't think that most of us have trouble loving ourselves, its loving others as ourselves where we can possibly run into trouble. J.C. even admonsihed us that we are to even love(respect) our enemies. Now there is what I will call our prime example for living as well as him being our true reason for this season.

No jokes this time either

Mike said...


No wonder there is such a thing as global warming --- it was your warm holiday wishes for everyone