Thursday, December 20, 2007

What's in your stocking?

One of the advantages of being single is that you are obligated to buy for yourself for the holidays. I figure I am not only entitled to what my ex would have spent on me, but also what I would have spent on him. That adds up to a pretty nice present. And I don't have to hint around and hope that anyone selects the thing I want the most. If I'm not happy with my Christmas gifts, I only have myself to blame.

This year I've decided to also stuff my own stocking. It's a great stocking too. I can't wait until Christmas morning!

So how are you pampering yourself this holiday season? And if you aren't, or haven't yet, snap out of it! You deserve something wonderful. Indulge in a massage or a pedicure. Sign up for a yoga class. Go ahead and get yourself an iPod and load it up with your favorite music. Take yourself for a long walk in some woods. Make yourself a special dinner. Take charge of your happiness.


Mike said...


Thanks for sharing that with us. As perhaps your most loyal blogger I can honestly tell you that the holidays CAN be one of the most depressing times to go through as a single person ( particularly if you were recently married or had a meaningful relationship with a S.O. in the not too distant past).

Don't get me wrong, stocking stuffers and self-indulgences are all fine but true happiness eminates from within, I call that a "spiritual foundation" or "grounding" once you have that the rest is just a piece of cake and completely up to you. Bottom line is: Ultimately, you are responsible for your own happiness. Just take charge of it and then you can easily brighten up someone else's day -- share a greeting card, some humor or some holiday cookies, invite someone over(or out) for tea or coffee.

They say "its more blessed to give than receive." Like a nutty fruitcake I have been "Dole"ing out a whole lots a "Pine-Appal"ling fun and flirtation on this blog and look what I ended up with as my stocking stuffers: AM MoneyGirl, AVA/AVO and Precarious Precious)Girl. Guess I really could be Lucky Mike.

All of those stocking stuffers yet nothing under my tree --- Sigh!!!! Guess I need to learn "Victoria's Secret". BTW that's not what I meant when I was previously talking about "spritual foundations" although those kind of "foundations" are also known for lifting our spirits. I'll just simply "garmet" over that one and wish everyone a "tree" mend-us holiday + New Year's, or "bust" --Sigh !!!!!

My first resolution is set for

Mike said...

Hey where is January's barstool pic to identify ? Taking the reigning title back from that Precarious (precious)Girl would lift my spirits right around now.

Mike said...

One could also say my own foot is in my stocking but now after writing this one, it could also be in my mouth

Precariousgirl said...

I agree with Mike we are responsible for our own happiness. I decided this year to be proactive about spending the holiday alone. I decided I was going to make it a point to go into the holiday season with a positive attitude. One thing that I have always said is “it takes so much more energy to be unhappy than it does to just be happy”

I decided I was not going to allow myself to feel the pressure and stress of the hustle and bustle to get everything done for the holidays. I wasn’t going to feel sorry for myself and allow myself to feel unhappy and lonely.

So far so good. I have noticed that when I am out and about I am much more relaxed and happy this year. I have kept a smile on my face and I am the first to wish everyone that I meet a “Happy Holidays”. When I start to feel alone I just think about the wonderful supportive family that I have then the loneliness disappears.

My family and I decided to change up the normal holiday routine. We made a last minute decision instead of spending money on each other on gifts that we would never use that we would take a Christmas trip to Ohio to see my nieces that we have not seen or spoken to in four years.

I have realized that the most important part of the holidays is not the giving or receiving of presents. It is spending the holidays with the most important people in your life. Whether it be a relative, a friend, or a co worker make sure you spend the day with someone important to you.

If you can’t be with them in person on the holidays call, email, or write them a letter to let them know how special they are to you and how glad you are to have them in your life.

So I am pampering myself by surrounding myself with those people most important to me, my mother and father, my brothers and their girlfriends, my nieces, my grandmother that is with me in spirit, and I can’t forget my dog Damion. I love them all with all of my heart!

Happy Holidays Everyone! Have a Safe New Year!

just me said...

I agree about being responsible for your own happiness - whether you are single or attached. You can't rely on anyone but yourself to make you happy (however you go about doing it).

Mike said...

Hey Precarious (Precious) Girl and JustMe, your comments to the blog were even better than winning just another bar stool contest. You both just made my holiday "Tree" mend-us.

Ava said...

As Abraham Lincoln, perhaps our most famously depressive President, said: "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

On a related note, the Methodist Church on Reidel Road in Crofton is having a "Blue Christmas Service" on Sunday the 23rd at 4 pm. It will be a quiet, reflectifve service ...offering healing and hope." More at their website. I can't go, but would like to hear about it if anyone attends.

Personally, my Christmases since I've been alone have been more pleasant than those in the marital years. This is a time to create new traditions. Precarious Girl has offered some good suggestions for that.

Wishing you all happiness now and into the new year.


AM Kingsfield said...

You are all so wise!

Mike, the Mystery Barstool will be posted in sometime before our dance night on the 11th. Now I know what time of day to post!

Precarious Girl, you are right. Surround yourself with people who love you! I'm avoiding the hustle by dropping sending out cards this year. I appreciate seeing everyone else's and I will try to call my long distant friends sometime over the next two weeks.

And everyone is right about finding happiness and peace within. Treating yourself right is a personal responsibility.

Mike said...

I don't have to send out cards I am one ( a real card ) that is.

We finally coaxed AVA/AVO and AM to come out w/some blog chat.

What happend to MoneyGirl ? She must be out at all the malls finding all them bargains.

At FCC, I will be a greeter and and usher ( guess that makes me an oil barron ---- a gusher ????? )

oils well that ends well

Unknown said...

I'm around, and yes I have been out and about in the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping. I didn't venture to the mall, but with no significant other to buy for....the holidays are so much easier.

The holidays have always been about spending time with my my indulgence this year is driving 10 minutes up the road to my parents with the dogs and spending the night Xmas Eve at their house. We'll do the usual tradition of driving around looking at lights and then heading to the church for Xmas Eve services.

The idea of waking up at home again seems like an indulgence that I can do now with no significant other to coordinate with about the day's schedule.

Enjoy the time off with friends and family.

Mike said...

Hey Money Girl,

Much like the rest of us you don't need a S.O. to derive your happiness. Your friends and family are what really matters in life. I can't go back home for Christmas this year on account I just recently had to put my folks into a retirement home. All thats left now are only the years of precious memories of the home that I grew-up in. I'll bet 08 will be your year indeed !!!