Monday, April 21, 2008

Dances & Contests

We had fun at the LA Singles dance last Friday. It was good to see several familiar faces plus many new people learning about the Suburban Singles Scene. As usual, the dance hall was crowded and the dance floor was full. I tried my first Paul Jones dance, which was a fun way to meet new dance partners. Ladies, there are many men at this singles venue. The age range at the LA Singles dance is wide, probably swinging from 30-70 with the bulk between 45-65. Although there are many trained dancers on the floor, there are just am many untrained, freestyle dancers like me.

Thanks to Enar Sanders for arranging for the discount at the door and the table for us. This dance is held every Friday night. If you haven't checked it out yet, put it on your to do list for this spring.

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I'd like to remind you all of the Blind Date Contest running this month. Applications are still being accepted. You will see a link on the sidebar for details. I have been sorting through the applications received so far and am thinking we may need to double the opportunities. I will let you know what I can arrange.

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Since Mike & Ava have temporarily bowed out of the Mystery Barstool Contest, this month's barstool has not yet been identified. JohnJM has made two good guesses, and has been close, but not quite right. Anyone else want to try? This would be an excellent week to receive this prize! Here it is again.


Mike said...


Thanks for the updates on everything. Looking forward to the Anniversay celebration on April 26 th.

FYI I won Roxannes contest fair and square.

Mike said...


Thanks for the pic of the Bowie Singles Dance at K of C.

Lots a folks there with either gray, white or silver hair.

I hope when I'm a Senior Citizen I will have as much spunk as those depicted here.

Precariousgirl said...

Is it Titans at Whaugh Chapel

Mike said...

Hey Precarious Girl,

I guess they now can't say
" Pretty Good But no Cigar "

Hey what's up with the Blog ?

- not much activity of late I wonder if Ann (AM )ran away with Matt Lauer on the "Today Show" --

" Where in the World is Ann (AM) ? "

This blog needs you !!!!

Anonymous said...

nice blog with nice pics for singles dance .. for singles free dating services a free dating services web site for singles