Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fattening Season

This is a tough season to maintain healthy food choices and to include exercise in your day. I still have stashes of Halloween candy in various corners of my house, and then we had the pie onslaught of Thanksgiving. So many delectables dive into my grocery cart this time of year that I usually avoid. I even think the "holiday cookie" air freshener in my car is making me gain weight.

Of course maintaining your weight becomes increasingly more challenging as you age. More responsibilities crowd potential exercise time, more exhaustion beckons you to the couch.

I'm not sure which is more fattening: marriage or break-up, depression or happiness, stress or relaxation. I suppose it is different for everyone.

One of the problems of dating at mid-life is that you are dating middle-aged people - well, except for those May-December types. So many factors create our bulging waistlines: injuries, illness, lack of motivation.

Now that you are single again,
do you feel more or less pressure to strive for physical fitness?
How important is physical fitness in your dating choices?
Is marriage fattening?
How does your physical fitness level affect your confidence?


Mike said...


One factor you had failed to mention is that as we age our bodies actually become more "fuel" efficient, i.e., we need less calorie intake to accomplish the same level of work as in when we were several years younger.

It is very easy to overindulge and particularly this time of year when we are encouraged to do so simply by accepting dinner / holiday party invitations and other get togethers.

Giving up alcoholic drinks actually reduces caloric intake as does abdicating foods high in fat, starch and other refined carbs

My theory is its not so much how much you eat but what you eat. Anything containing high fructose corn syrup should be avoided like the plague (its in just about any processed food that is sweet), the same goes for fried foods.

You can eat all the fresh fruits, salads and vegetables you wish as long as you avoid all the high calorie dressings and toppings you put on them. Of course its all the embellishments that enhances their flavor or appeal.

if you strive for low calorie foods, drink lots of water and consume complex carbs over starches and sugars you are very well on your way to taking off weight

It all boils down to a very simple equation " if you take in more calories than you burn then you will add on weight "

Any folks looking for fun caloric expenditure activities can write back to me for ideas.

Mike said...


There are actually two chances for you to loose weight over the holidays --- fat and slim.

Ho, Ho, Ho, ( Ha, Ha, Ha - to be politically correct )

Mike said...


Lets not forget there are tummy tucks and lipposuction as alternatives for the couch potatoes. That's why cosmetic surgery is such a boomerexia business right now.

AM Kingsfield said...

I hear ya Mike. But your suggestions leave out egg nog, gingerbread lattes, mulled wine, fruitcake, and all those Christmas cookies! Alas!

And speaking of eating opportunities, are you going to your church's singles dinner tonight? Would you mind posting the time and general directions?

Mike said...


I noticed in your pic that everything had either been consumed or is otherwise gone, so it is difficult for me to comment on your food selections and size portions based on that photo you provided us with this column. Weight Watchers I know uses a point system assigned to whatever food you select to eat. Nothing is off limits but certain foods with high point values have to be limited in size portions and if you exceed high points in one area they need to be offset with low points in another to get to your avg points quota for the day. So for every dish of ice cream you consume you may need 4 servings of vegetables w/o butter to offset your ice cream points. ( the true but unscientific explanation )

Mike said...


The address for the dinner tonight is 1350 Reidel Road ( at the intersection of Reidel Road and Chapel Ct. )

This is very close to where Reidel Rd. Crain Hwy Rte 3-301 and Waugh Chapel Rd all meet. It is directly adjacent to the Firehouse off the corner of the main intersection. ( to your right as you head N on Rte 3-301 )

When you enter the main building go through the double doors on your left and take the second long corridor to your right in the JR CHURCH wing and you are there.

I get there by 6:00 PM in order to change the outdoor sign. I am all over the place until 6:30 PM when the dinner actually starts. Don't worry I will find you.

See you then & there. I don't know what the menu is but it does'nt really matter as regardless of what it is we always have a good time.

Ava said...

I found marriage to be much more fattening than single-hood, what with the husband snacking in front of the TV every night. Alone, you make your own meal schedule and can avoid certain "tempting" situations. In the dating context, it's great to find someone who enjoys similar activities, like walks or bike rides or ice skating...

Beau said...

So how did the dinner at Faith Community affect you? LOL Seriously, it was nice meeting you tonight! Hope you had a good time!
Take care


Mike said...


I am going to second Mr Beau's comments. Hope you can join us next Mon eve.

Ava thanks for your thoughts too --some good ideas on caloric expenditure activities -- I too break out the ice skates as a means of mitigating adipose tissue deposition during winter months.

The Egg Nog (usually) and mulled wine are forms of alcohol (I addressed that already). lattes are OK as long as you use 2% or skim milk. Fruitcake is loaded with high fructose corn syrup ( I addressed that one too ).

Just Dunk dem Christmas cookies ---- thats an in cider joke and I'm as nutty as a fruitcake for using my Nog-in, I'll just mull over it some more and wine about missing Allison's this Thur. eve. Guess I see you latte. Ughhhhhh !!!!!!!!
I should be pun-ished.

Avo got to go !!!

Ava said...


I'll miss the Thursday night gathering as well. I'll be skating over in Bowie. I might be on thin ice but do you think we could talk AM into arranging a Singles Skating Party?

AM Kingsfield said...

Aahhh! You are the second person to see about arranging a skate session. Although I can't skate right now, I'm not bad with cocoa. I'll look into it.

Ava said...

That's right...your foot injury. I'm sorry, I had forgotten about that.

Mike said...


You don't need me to advance the ice skating idea through AM, just "glide it" by her as you did -- she responds well to all !!!, albeit her recent war (Naval) wound may keep her off the ice for a while I'm sure that she is otherwise with us.

I normally do Piney Orchard as its a "Capital" suggestion (sublime humor -- its the practice ice rink for the Washington Capitals ---Ughhh !!! I could break tradition and do Bowie just let us all know what day and when you plan to go

Got to go AVO