Monday, May 21, 2007

Facial Hair

Ladies -
What's your preference: moustache or no? beard or no?

In a standard deck of cards, the King of Hearts is the only king with no moustache. Hhmmm, is a smooth shave universally accepted for better kissing?

But if I were a man, I bet I would hate to shave every day.

I prefer a smooth shave, although a moustache can be fine if it is soft. The newly trimmed moustache can be treacherous. I've never kissed anyone with a twirly waxed moustache, but I'm not putting on my list of things to try before I die either.


Laura said...

This one reminds me of a "self test" I took once in counseling. I had to list any man I had EVER dated, then list all the things they had in common. One of the physical features they all had in common was mustaches!! I had no conscious clue that I was attracted to facial hair. I still am. I love mustaches, and goatee's that are trimmed and neat are good, also.

AM Kingsfield said...

What an interesting exercise. I wonder what my common denominator would be - I mean besides wrong.